Seven prizes for Ægir design

The brewer is from the US, the brewery is located in Norway, I’m born in the UK, my company is Danish – and now the beer has been awarded for good design. In Australia.

I have had the pleasure of working with brewer Evan W. Lewis since he founded Ægir Brewery in 2007. At that time he had only a few products but over the years still more have been added, stretching the original design. Last year Ægir Brewery ordered a full redesign of all products – and the visual identity for a number of new ones to be presented now and later this year.

Evan W. Lewis decided to participate in the Australian International Beer Awards (AIBA), the largest annual competition of its kind in the world. And that went pretty well: The beer itself got quite a number of prizes – and from the designer’s point of view I am happy that seven of the products were awarded a bronze medal for the package design.

The Australian International Beer Awards was founded in 1992 and this year it had more than 1,700 contributions from 350 breweries from all over the world.